What Is A Web Review? And What Do I Need It For?
The purpose of a web review is to find points that need improvements and also possible errors with maximum anticipation. Some errors may appear quickly, and others are more noticeable than in past periods. It is important that we periodically do a general review of all our sites to look for errors. This research can be useless or even exhaustive if you need to know what to look for, so we share a list of those fundamental points when checking our websites. Today, we will share tips from our experts with everything you need to know about the tasks involved when performing a web review.
UX and conversion
One of the first things to remember is that less visually appealing sites must rank better. Design and user experience is an important part of the recommended SEO approach.
Site content
Nowadays, with the variety of devices to browse websites, content is of great importance for any search engine. It is the main part of the website; the rest is decoration (although it should be remembered, as we mentioned in the previous point).
Site content is not just about keyword strategy but also the content a site uses on a broader spectrum. It is important to look at the amount of content page by page and see if we can find duplicate content. The structure of the site and the use of taxonomies are also crucial.
Social media marketing
Posting things about your business on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook is about seeing how people talk about your brand online. This is a vital part of online marketing these days. It is important to see how you are using social networks on your website, such as having “share” buttons and links that redirect to your social networks from the web. It is also important that the buttons that redirect to your networks are easy to find if your brand still needs a strategy for social networks.…